Singapore has plunged to 52nd spot in the Global Liveability Survey of the Economic Intelligence Unit, but it still sits comfortably in the “top tier” of liveability.
“In 52nd place Singapore sits just outside the top 50 cities ranked, and with a score of 88.7 out of 100 it sits in the very top tier of liveability and is less than nine percentage points lower than Melbourne, ranked in first place,” said Survey Editor Jon Copestake.
“The ranking position is merely a reflection of how liveable many cities are. Singapore scores well in most categories and only underperforms, relative to the overall score, for the culture and environment category,” he added.
Copestake noted that Singapore probably has fewer cultural activities than other cities which made it fall in the said category, adding that social and cultural restrictions as well as uncomfortable climate also affected the country’s ranking.
Half of the 10 most liveable cities were from Australia and New Zealand. Osaka and Tokyo in Japan also performed well ranking 12th and 18th respectively. Hong Kong ranked 31st, while Seoul was ranked 58th and Taipei 61st. Although these four Asian hubs fell in the ranking, they still join the top tier liveable cities with scores higher than 80 percent.
“Asia is very much a two tiered region when it comes to liveability. We have hubs like Hong Kong and Singapore with high liveability driven by strong infrastructure, healthcare and stability,” said Copestake.
“On the other hand the region is home to some of the least secure and poorest locations for liveability. In the middle we have countries like China which are seeing economic rapid gains feeding slowly into their liveability scores,” he added.
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